Converting a string to a number in JavaScript

Published Oct 10 2022

The most commonly used method of converting a number to a string in JavaScript is the parseInt() function. It takes two arguments a string and a radix

and parses the string to return the an integer of the specified radix. When a radix argument is not provided, the conversion is done in base 10 (decimal). In case the first non-whitespace character of the string is not a number then parseFloat() returns NaN (Not a Number).

An alternative way of performing this explicit type conversion is to use the global Number() constructor function. This method has a small performance advantage* over the parseInt(). Number() also defaults to converting using a base of 10. We can see in the code playground that the output of these two options is identical.

Number() and parseInt() examples

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Using parseFloat()

You may have noticed that one limitation of using parseInt() or Number() is that they return whole integers, stripping any decimals. If instead we want to return a floating point number, we can instead use parseFloat(). parseFloat() takes a string argument and returns a floating point number. It can be combined with the toFixed () method on the Number class to return a floating point number with the the specified number of decimal places:

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